2021 - Continues Associate Professor
Bursa Uludağ University, İLAHİYAT FAKÜLTESİ
2000 - 2011 Research Assistant
Bursa Uludağ University, İLAHİYAT FAKÜLTESİ
2023 - 2024 Konferans
Non-profit Organisation, IMGM, Cemiyet
Doctorate Katılım Bankacılığı
Postgraduate İslam'da Finans Yöntemleri ve Bankacılık
Doctorate İslam İktisadı
Doctorate İslam Hukuk Sosyolojisi
Undergraduate İslam Hukuku-2
Doctorate İslam Kamu Hukukunun Temel İlkeleri
Undergraduate İslam Hukuku II
Doctorate İslam Hukuk Sosyolojisi
Postgraduate İslam İktisadının Temelleri
Postgraduate İslam’da Finans Yöntemleri ve Katılım Bankacılığı
Undergraduate Mukayeseli İbadetler Fıkhı
Undergraduate İslam Hukukuna Giriş
Undergraduate İslam ve İktisat
Doctorate Katılım Bankacılığı (100/2000 programı)
Kur'an'da Geçen Siyasi Kavramların Fıkhi Açıdan Tahlili
Kumaş M. S. (Advisor)
J.Najim(Student), Doctorate, 2021 -
Senegal Cumhuriyeti'nde yürürlükte bulunan vakıf kanunların islam hukuku ile karşılaştırılması
Kumaş M. S. (Advisor)
The benefit-burden balance and related financial regulations according to Hanafi fiqh
KUMAŞ M. S. (Advisor)
Destructi̇ve pri̇ce practi̇ces and related provi̇si̇ons in islami̇c law
KUMAŞ M. S. (Advisor)
The rights and responsibilities of raped women according to Islamic law
KUMAŞ M. S. (Advisor)
Victimization of criminal relatives in the Islamic Criminal Law
KUMAŞ M. S. (Advisor)
The evaluation of murâbaha practices in Islamic banksin terms of jurisprudence
KUMAŞ M. S. (Advisor)
Formalism in islamic law
KUMAŞ M. S. (Advisor)
Social reality in Ibn Taymiyyah’s understanding of figh
KUMAŞ M. S. (Advisor)
The principle of justice in Islamic economics and it's reflection on judgments
KUMAŞ M. S. (Advisor)
The fiqh sources of Islamic economics thought and the case of Shafii's book al-Um
Kumaş M. S. (Advisor)
Islamic Law provisions about social media
KUMAŞ M. S. (Advisor)
According to Hanafi sources the evaluation of the principle of predominance from a fiqh perspective and its place in fürû-i̇ fiqh
KUMAŞ M. S. (Advisor)
Effectively using of mudaraba finance method in islamic banking per non-governmental organizations
KUMAŞ M. S. (Advisor)
The cri̇ti̇cal edi̇ti̇on of Sadr al Shari̇a al-Sani̇'s al-Nugaya
KUMAŞ M. S. (Advisor)
Comparison of Abussuud Afandy's fatawas and Jarida-i İlmiyya's fatawa
KUMAŞ M. S. (Advisor)
The critical edition of Âlim Muhammed b.Hamza Güzelhisari al- Aydınî's some rasael in islamic law
KUMAŞ M. S. (Advisor)
According to religious scholer of İdil-Ural problem isha prayer at in this region
KUMAŞ M. S. (Advisor)
Different views and arguments of Hanafi and Shafi madhabs on the topics zakah, hajj and umrah
KUMAŞ M. S. (Advisor)