Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
Powers Sums of the First and Second Kinds of Chebyshev Polynomials
, vol.44, no.2, pp.425-435, 2020 (SCI-Expanded)

Articles Published in Other Journals
On sums with the 𝒓-derangement numbers
, vol.23, no.2, pp.469-480, 2023 (ESCI)
Applications of degenerate q-Euler and q-Changhee polynomials with weight α
Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica
, vol.26, no.2, pp.253-264, 2022 (ESCI)

On binomial sums and alternating binomial sums of generalized Fibonacci numbers with falling factorials
Mathematical Sciences and Applications E-Notes
, vol.8, no.2, pp.123-129, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Some congruences for sums involving harmonic numbers
Cumhuriyet Science Journal
, vol.39, no.4, pp.912-919, 2018 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
On some congruences with the terms of second order sequence and harmonic numbers
Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi
, vol.7, no.2, pp.586-589, 2017 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Some sums related to the terms of generalized Fibonacci autocorrelation sequences {a_k,n(t)}
Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi
, vol.21, no.3, pp.307-313, 2017 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
On congruences with the terms of second order sequence {Q_n}
Journal of Algebra, Number Theory: Advances and Applications
, vol.15, no.1, pp.15-39, 2016 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Some congruences related to harmonic numbers and the terms of the second order sequences
Mathematica Moravica
, vol.20, no.2, pp.23-37, 2016 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
A new perspective to the sequences of t order
International Journal of Computer Applications
, vol.86, no.6, pp.29-33, 2014 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings
On q-congruences involving q-generalized Catalan numbers
5th International Gap Mathematics-Engineering-Science and HealthSciences Congress, Şanlıurfa, Turkey, 4 - 06 December 2020
Congruences related to harmonic, balancing and Lucas-balancing numbers I
2. Uluslararası GAP Matematik - Mühendislik - Fen ve Sağlık Bilimleri, Adıyaman, Turkey, 21 - 23 June 2019
Congruences related to harmonic, balancing and Lucas-balancing numbers II
2. Uluslararası GAP Matematik - Mühendislik - Fen ve Sağlık Bilimleri, Adıyaman, Turkey, 21 - 23 June 2019
On congruences with q - binomial coefficients
International Eurasian Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology, 22 - 23 November 2018
On matrices with q – analog of the generalized hyperharmonic numbers of order r, H_{n}{r} (a)
International Eurasian Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology, 22 - 23 November 2018
Some applications for special sequence involving binomial sums
1. Uluslararası GAP Matematik -Mühendislik - Fen ve Sağlık Bilimleri Kongresi, Şanlıurfa, Turkey, 4 - 07 October 2018, pp.412-419
Some congruences for sums involving Catalan numbers
1. Uluslararası GAP Matematik -Mühendislik - Fen ve Sağlık Bilimleri Kongresi, Şanlıurfa, Turkey, 4 - 07 October 2018, pp.420-426
On hyper-dual generalized Fibonacci numbers
BMS Mathematical Conference, 12 - 14 July 2018
Some congruences for Ballot numbers
BMS Mathematical Conference, 12 - 14 July 2018
On alternating weighted binomial sums with falling factorials
1st International Conference on Mathematical and Related Sciences, 30 April - 04 May 2018
On congruences for sums involving harmonic numbers
1st International Conference on Mathematical and Related Sciences, 30 April - 04 May 2018
On identities for sequences of binomial sums with terms of sequences {g_kn} and {h_kn}
4th International Conference on Pure and Applied Sciences: Renewable Energy, İstanbul, Turkey, 23 - 25 November 2017
On Congruences with the terms of second order sequences {U_kn} and {V_kn}
4th International Conference on Pure and Applied Sciences: Renewable Energies, İstanbul, Turkey, 23 - 25 November 2017
New generalizations of the Filbert and Lilbert matrices
Caucasian Mathematics Conference II, Van, Turkey, 22 - 24 August 2017
Two asymmetric generalizations of the Filbert matrix
Caucasian Mathematics Conferences CMC II, Van, Turkey, 22 - 24 August 2017
Formulae for two weighted binomial identities with the falling factorials
6th International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Budapest, Hungary, 15 - 18 August 2017
Some permanents of Hessenberg matrices
4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics, İzmir, Turkey, 11 - 15 May 2017
On congruences involving special numbers
International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering, İstanbul, Turkey, 10 - 12 May 2017
Some congruences with balancing and Lucas balancing numbers
The 12th International Conference on Approximation Theory and its Applications, Sibiu, Romania, 26 - 29 May 2016
On some congruences
3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Muğla, Turkey, 19 - 23 May 2016
On congruences with the terms of second order sequence and harmonic numbers
4th International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications(IECMSA-2015), 31 August - 03 September 2015
On congruences related to central binomial coefficients, harmonic and Lucas numbers
Lebanese International Conference on Mathematics and Applications, 26 - 29 May 2015
On congruences with the terms of the sequences {U_kn} and {V_kn}
Lebanese International Conference on Mathematics and Applications, 26 - 29 May 2015
Congruences on harmonic numbers and second order sequences
International Conference on Algebra and Number Theory, 5 - 08 August 2014
Applications of generalized Fibonacci autocorrelation sequences {Γ_{k,n}(t)}_{t}{∞}
International Congress In Honour Of Professor Ravi P. Agarwal, 23 - 26 June 2014
B_{p,k}^{d} sayılarını içeren bazı kongrüanslar
XXVI. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, Turkey, 4 - 07 September 2013