The evaluation of pre-service preschool teachers' experiences and views regarding integrated guided reading practices

Bulunuz M., Koç Tüylü D.

EUROPEAN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION RESEARCH JOURNAL, vol.27, no.2, pp.208-220, 2019 (SSCI) identifier identifier


The aim of the study is to evaluate pre-service teachers' views and experiences regarding integrated guided reading practices in kindergarten. 66 senior pre-service teachers participated in the study. The views and experiences of the pre-service preschool teachers were analyzed qualitatively. The analysis of the interviews and observations revealed that guided reading practices allowing students to participate actively were influential in keeping students' learning skills active during the process. The opinions of the pre-service teachers and the observations of the researcher show that GR activities enabled the students to participate actively and that the activities were attention-drawing, interesting, and diverse. The children actively participated in the reading process from the start. The children actively displayed their listening, attention-paying, observing, problem-solving, and recognizing skills. Moreover, the children were observed to be eager to express their observations and experiences and to discuss and answer the addressed questions. The research results indicated a need for conducting studies devoted to promoting, implementing, exploring, and generalizing such practices in kindergarten education.