TÜRÜK Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi, no.3, pp.219-230, 2014 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Turks had sovereigned around the Balkan realm approximately for four centuries and during this time they had tranformed several different factors of their culture, life style and language. The effects of Turkish Language on Balkanian Languages could easily be unlighted through the Turkish orginated words which are spoken in Balkan Languages. Regarding with results of the experts’ researches we know that this Turkish Language effect on the Albanian Language have continoued.
It could be revealed from the books, written in the Albanian Language in the 16th. and 17th. centuries, that nearbye the the increase of Ottoman’s political,militaristic, economical vs. effect on the Balkan geograpy the numbers of Turkish words quoted from Turkish to Albanian had also been increased. In those centuries the numbers of Turkish originated words in Albanian Language are around 4000.
In this study the the phonological alterations of the 198 words that are
lanced in the article Osman Yıldız, named as The Turkish Originated Words in the Modern Albania published 2001 in the review of Türk Yurdu, Vol. 162-163, page from 447 to 455.