We employ the Yukawa coupling unification condition, y(t) = y(b) = y(tau) at M-GUT, inspired by supersymmetric SO(10) models, to estimate the lightest Higgs boson mass as well as masses of the associated squarks and gluino. We employ non-universal soft masses, dictated by SO(10) symmetry, for the gauginos. Furthermore, the soft masses for the two scalar Higgs doublets are set equal at M GUT, and in some examples these are equal to the soft masses for scalars in the matter multiplets. For mu > 0, M-2 > 0, where M-2 denotes the SU(2) gaugino mass, essentially perfect t-b-tau Yukawa unification is possible, and it predicts a Higgs mass of 122-124 GeV with a theoretical uncertainty of about +/- 3 GeV. The corresponding gluino and the first two family squarks have masses greater than or similar to 3TeV. We present some LHC testable benchmark points which also show the presence of neutralino-stau coannihilation in this scenario. The well-known MSSM parameter tan beta approximate to 47.