İPEK YOLU CANLANIYOR: TÜRK-ÇİN HUKUK ZİRVESİ, İstanbul, Turkey, 12 - 14 June 2012, pp.50
Maritime liens provide safeguards to maritime claims that are stipulated in Turkish Commercial Code (TCC). Moreover, except being regulated in the TCC, maritime lien ranks before registered, or not, other statutory and contractual lien and real obligation. Maritime liens are piriviledged due to this juridical instrument.
This article focuses on the problem of maritime liens in the conflict of law. Firstly, this paper examines maritime liens as substantive law. Additionly, we try to analyze allocation rules which are regulated in the International Private and Civil Procedure Law, Turkish Commercial Code, International Convention Maritime Liens and Morgages, 1993 and Final Act and International Convention on Arrest of Ships, 1999.