KURAM VE UYGULAMADA EGITIM BILIMLERI, vol.9, no.2, pp.961-966, 2009 (SSCI)
This study examined 259 master's theses in the field of educational technology completed in Turkey during 2000-2007. The results suggested that quantity and quality of educational technology research varied according to years and universities. A great majority of the theses employed quantitative paradigm, and qualitative studies made about one fourth of the total studies. Approximately 80 % of the theses were based on descriptive models using questionnaires, tests, and scales as data gathering instruments. The samples included university students in three out of every four theses. A significant majority of the theses employed descriptive statistical techniques and only a limited number of experimental theses conducted inferential statistical analyses. The most frequently investigated topics were computer-assisted instruction, alternative teaching and learning approaches, web-based learning, difficulties in integrating information technologies into educational practice, Internet-based learning, and distance education.