Determination of physicochemical characteristics in different products of tomato varieties

Akbudak B., Bolkan H., Cohen N.

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCES AND NUTRITION, vol.60, pp.126-138, 2009 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


The objective of this work was to study the newly developed and existing tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) varieties for physicochemical changes in the fruits in the ripe period. Varieties 'CXD179' and 'CX8401' in fresh and canned, and 'CXD203' and 'CXD276' in paste were found superior with respect to ascorbic acid and antioxidant capacity. The highest lycopene and beta-carotene contents were determined in 'CXD203', 'CXD276', and 'CX8401'. Color values showed a change from a greenness value of 'a' to redness values, whereas 'b' decreased. In general, parameter values were higher in canned samples. Studies showed that the lycopene content best correlated with 'a' values in the ripening. Inter-variety variation in physicochemical parameters at the ripe stage revealed that 'CXD179' and 'CXD203' in all products among red varieties were the best varieties. Among light color varieties 'CXD276' and 'CX8401' in view of red color, and 'CX8400' and 'CX8402' in view of green color were better.