Impact of competency-based and target-oriented training on employee performance: A case study

ARSLAN R., Uzaslan N. T.

INDUSTRY AND HIGHER EDUCATION, vol.31, no.5, pp.289-292, 2017 (ESCI) identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 31 Issue: 5
  • Publication Date: 2017
  • Doi Number: 10.1177/0950422217715199
  • Journal Indexes: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Scopus
  • Page Numbers: pp.289-292
  • Keywords: competency-based training, continuous education, in-house training, target-oriented training, EDUCATION, WORK
  • Bursa Uludag University Affiliated: Yes


Some firms have applied different in-house training models to keep up with new technological innovations in their specific fields. This study investigated how a target-oriented in-house training programme should be developed and how it should be evaluated for effectiveness. The aim of the study was to develop, implement and evaluate a competency-based and target-oriented training programme with the cooperation of both the academic and the automotive industrial sectors. During this process, 124 employees of Bosch Rexroth Company were trained via a specific target-oriented programme. The effectiveness of the training was assessed using pre- and post-tests, a course evaluation survey and peer evaluation performance analyses. At the end of the study, the success rate of the participants, according to the pre- and post-tests, had increased by 54 points on a 100-point scale. Furthermore, in a participant feedback survey, 93% of the respondents said that the programme had contributed positively to their working life. The most important result was that, according to performance analyses, 26% of the participants had improved their performance relative to an untrained cohort. The goals and outcomes proved to be encouraging for future programmes.