V. International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference, Edirne, Turkey, 18 - 20 September 2023, vol.1, pp.120
Climate change and more recently the conflict between Russia and Ukraine have directly
affected the wheat supply chain. Various climate models project that wheat productin could
decrease due to climate change. Higher grain yield and better quality grain production requires
the use of appropriate wheat cultivars. Yield components and quality traits of four winter wheat
cultivars were studied in Karacabey region in Bursa, Türkiye during the 2021-22 and 2022-23
production seasons. In each year, the experiment was conducted in two different production
areas. One is in a randomized block design with three replications and the other one is 400decar
production field (1600 decar total production field) and total production, quality and yield
components were determined. Belongs to the breeders of the cultivars; Hamza and Mihelca
resistant to leaf rust,. LG59 is resistant to drought and rust, and Masaccio is resistant to lodging.
Seven different agronomic characters (plant height, spike lenght, spikelet number per spike,
grain number per spike, grain weight per spike, 1000 grains weight and grain yield) and four
different quality characters (protein content, gluten, sedimentation and hectoliter) were
measured. The four cultivars differed significantly in all agronomic and qualitative traits.
Similarly, signficant differences were found in protein content, gluten, zeleyn sedimentation
and for hectoliter. The results from this study indicated the four cultivars diferend in yield and
quality . LG 59 and Hamza were found to be suitable for Karacabey/Bursa growing conditions
followed by Michelca. Mihelca was found to be resistant to leaf rust during the both production
year more than the other cultivars. Mihelca performed better under heavly rainy after sun shinig
seasons as like on May and June of 2021-22 and 2022-23 . Mihelca can be more useful cultivars
fort he resistans, high yield and quality.
Keywords: wheat production, climate change, wheat quality