International Social Mentality and Research Thinkers Journal, vol.8, no.58, pp.674-683, 2022 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Glass ceiling syndrome generally means an invisible upper limit that is thought to exist in businesses. It is a theory that refers to an artificial barrier in businesses that prevents female or minorities from rising to senior positions within the business. Queen bee syndrome, on the other hand, is defined as the fact that female in managerial or decision-making positions in the enterprise approach female who are their subordinates more critically or in some cases act as an obstacle. Queen bee includes that ambitious and successful female in businesses do not allow other female employees to be successful and use their seniority if necessary. Margaret Thatcher, Britain's first female prime minister, is described as a queen bee for not advancing the careers of other female in her cabinet and administration. In this study, it is aimed to determine the glass ceiling and queen bee syndrome perception levels of female employees working in five-star accommodation establishments and to determine which of these variables have more impact on female employees. In this context, the data obtained from 244 female employees working in five-star accommodation enterprises operating in Istanbul were analyzed through the SPSS statistical data program. As a result of the research, the glass ceiling syndrome dimensions were named as denial, withdrawal, resilience and acceptance and the queen bee syndrome scale dimensions were named as support, structure and competence. It has also been determined that all of the relevant dimensions have a certain level of effect on female employees working in accommodation businesses.