Görülmeyeni Görmek: Üstünler Söylemine Ontolojik Bir Sorgulama

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Öz M., Yalçın M., Turan S.

Kalem Uluslararası Eğitim ve İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, vol.4, no.1, pp.11-40, 2014 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


It is pointed out that the discussions about gifted tend to increase in national and international area in the last quarter of the century. Special practices, symposiums, publications, institutions, undergraduate and graduate programs have been prepared with the parallel to these discussions and it is said that these children have been lost so far. Alfred Binet (b.1857-d.1911) who stated his concerns about using IQ test which is formed in 1904 for children having learning difficulty as a labeling instrument (Gould, 1996). Topçu (1960) stated that a genius could not be tested, on the contrary it was a malter of insight. Leading Turkish philosopher Farabi (b.872-d.951) claims that being intelligent as a fact which requires not only being intelligent necessarily but also it needs moral intellect. When discourses about gifted are analyzed, by conforming Topçu and Farabi like Binet, the statements like not wasting gifted in masses, labelling, seeing gifted children as a vital capital for the county and necessity of increasing special implementation is likely to be often encountered. In practice, although children with disability do not have schools that are equipped with necessary physical facilities in Turkey, gifted children are provided with opportunities in Bilim Sanat Merkezleri (Science and Art Centers) that are not sustainable in terms of humanity, and provide comfort and one to one attention. In short when all above mentioned issues are taken into consideration, the need for presenting a critical perspective is obvious. This study is an ontological questioning attempt in the intellect-human-society contexts