JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH, vol.54, no.3, pp.578-586, 2013 (SCI-Expanded)
The mass attenuation coefficients (mu(s)) for five different soil samples were measured at 661.6, 1173.2 and 1332.5 keV photon energies. The soil samples were separately irradiated with Cs-137 and Co-60 (370 kBq) radioactive point gamma sources. The measurements were made by performing transmission experiments with a 2 ' x 2 ' NaI(Tl) scintillation detector, which had an energy resolution of 7% at 0.662 MeV for the gamma-rays from the decay of Cs-137. The effective atomic numbers (Z(eff)) and the effective electron densities (N-eff) were determined experimentally and theoretically using the obtained mu(s) values for the soil samples. Furthermore, the Z(eff) and N-eff values of the soil samples were computed for the total photon interaction cross-sections using theoretical data over a wide energy region ranging from 1 keV to 15 MeV. The experimental values of the soils were found to be in good agreement with the theoretical values. Sandy loam and sandy clay loam soils demonstrated poor photon energy absorption characteristics. However, clay loam and clay soils had good photon energy absorption characteristics.