Hybrid Taguchi-Harmony Search Approach for Shape Optimization


RECENT ADVANCES IN HARMONY SEARCH ALGORITHM, vol.270, pp.89-98, 2010 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


Harmony search algorithms have recently gained a lot of attention from the optimization research community. In this chater, a new optimization approach based on harmony search algorithm and Taguchi's method is presented to solve shape optimization problems. The validity and efficiency of the proposed approach are evaluated in an optimum design problem of a vehicle component by illustrating how the present approach can be applied for solving shape optimization problems. The first application of harmony search algorithm to the shape optimization problems in the literature is presented in this chapter. The results of the shape optimization problem indicate that the proposed approach is highly competitive and it can be considered as a viable alternative in solving real-world optimization problems, finding beter solutions compared to other approaches that are representative of the state-of-the-art in the optimization literature.