Synergies Turquie, no.6, pp.51-61, 2013 (Scopus)
Discussion forums are spaces for social communication on the Internet. They are actually human networks because when a discussion topic is raised, people who get interested simultaneously form a shared network of communication. As for the topics of discussion, they vary greatly : we can say that almost every issue is discussed. One of the best known and widespread forums nowadays is the Club of Professionals for French as a Foreign Language (FFL). It is an initiative of the Le Français dans le Monde journal and supported by the associations of FFL teachers. This exchange space, hosted by Yahoo ( and created on 30 August 1999, has more than 2,200 members. Analyzing and classifying the exchange messages (a corpus of 15,000 messages) listed in the forum with content analysis, our study aims to show the topics about which FFL professionals share information and experiences.