The aim of this study was to examine the effect of instructional materials for the subject of classification of matter as solids, liquids and gases that were developed using a holistic instructional design model on student achievement. In the study a pre-test/post-test with control group experimental design was used. The study was conducted in the 2004-2005 school year using a sample of 120 students in the 7(th) grade (Experimental group 1=30, Experimental group 2=30, Control group 1=30, and Control group 2=30). At the beginning of the study a prior knowledge test, science attitude scale and Multiple Intelligence Fields Determination Scale were completed by the students. At the end of the study an achievement determination questionnaire was completed by the students in the experimental and control groups. Instructional material including student worksheets, student practice questions and a teacher guide were prepared by the researchers on the Freehand MXa program. In teaching the subject to the experimental groups, a holistic instructional approach was used that combined reliance on multiple intelligence theory, a constructivist approach, deliberate use of analogies and an emphasis on science process skills. In addition, concept maps and an animation were used. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance, Cohen's size effect, and the Scheffe Test with the SPSS 11.00 program at the .05 significance level. At the beginning of the study, it was found that while there was no statistically significant difference between the students of the experimental and control groups, at the end of the study levels of achievement of the students on this subject in the two experimental groups were higher than both control groups.