Learning from Nature: Biomimetic Design in Architectural Education

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Yurtkuran S., Kırlı Özer G., Taneli Y.

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, no.89, pp.633-639, 2013 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


Biomimicry is the study of nature to emulate or be inspired by its designs or principles to solve human problems. A noteworthy example includes Velcro derived from bur hooks. 

This paper describes a Basic Design Studio assignment that is informed by arthropods, a rich source of inspiration. First year architecture students were expected to offer a solution to a common human problem through the observation of the forms and  behaviour of arthropods. The final work required the inclusion of a mobile structure in the desing. Educational benefits include the introduction of students to alternative design methods and multidimensional thinking.