Evaluation of a photon counting mammography system

Thunberg S., Francke T., Egerstrom J., Eklund M., Ericsson L., Kristoffersson T., ...More

Medical Imaging 2002 Conference, California, United States Of America, 24 - 28 February 2002, vol.4682, pp.202-208 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 4682
  • Doi Number: 10.1117/12.465560
  • City: California
  • Country: United States Of America
  • Page Numbers: pp.202-208
  • Keywords: X-ray imaging, photon counting, digital mammography, image quality, DQE
  • Bursa Uludag University Affiliated: No


The most natural way of digital X-ray imaging is photon counting as the photon flux in itself is digital. In photon counting, the information in the X-ray flux is used more efficiently as the information carrying low-energy photons are given the same weight as higher energy photons carrying less image information. This is in contrast to all existing X-ray instruments, which are energy-integrating systems where the highest energy photons are given the highest weight. A novel technique for high resolution digital X-ray imaging, using gaseous avalanche detectors for photon counting with high signal-to-noise ratios for single X-ray photons, has been developed.