3rd International Conference on Agriculture and Veterinary, Şanlıurfa, Turkey, 04 December 2020
Osteoporosis and bone fractures are major and common public health problems. Apart from genetics, gender, age, and health status, nutrition is an important factor in osteoporosis and bone fracture cases. Therefore, feed additives have been used in many cases to prevent these disorders. As a feed additive, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) is a type of yeast widely used in the food industry. It is known to have many beneficial effects on vitamin and mineral metabolism. Therefore, this research aims to determine the effects of different doses of feed additive SC on bone strength in adult New Zealand rabbits. In this study, twenty-one, 5-6 weeks old, adult male New Zealand rabbits were used. The rabbits have been housed (five rabbits per cage) under controlled temperature (20-24 °C), humidity (60-70%), lightening (12h light/dark cycle), and provided ad libitum commercial feed and water. Animals were fed for 85 days in three separate feeding groups (0, 2, and 4 g/kg SC were added to their diets, respectively). After euthanasia, the right tibiae were removed, and the surrounded soft tissues were removed. Bodyweight, bone weight, and length were measured. A compression test was applied to determine the mechanical bone properties such as bone strength and stress in the tibia's midshaft section. Bodyweight and bone properties were statistically analyzed using the SPSS computer software's General Linear Model procedure and ANOVA. Comparing the rabbits in the group that added 2 g/kg yeast to the control group were observed to have numerically higher body weight. However, this result was not found statistically significant. Also, no significant difference was found between the 2 and 4 g/kg SC yeast supplements added to the food in terms of body weight. It was observed that feeding with different yeast doses did not make any statistical difference in bone breaking strength and stress. However, numerically, breaking strength was observed at the highest value in the group to which 2 g/kg yeast was added. In conclusion, feeding with different SC yeast levels did not statistically differ on body weight, tibia morphological characteristics (bone weight and length), tibial breaking strength, and stress in New Zealand rabbits. For the first time, the study examines the effect of feeding different Saccharomyces cerevisiae doses on bone mechanical properties in rabbits. This study shows that Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a feed additive has promising effects on bone health. Therefore, more researches are needed to evaluate its effects on bone strength in rabbits.