Evaluation of chestnut genotypes from Düzce vicinity, Turkey

Zenginbal H., ERTÜRK Ü., KOŞAR M. B., Ahı D.

Acta Horticulturae, vol.1220, pp.29-33, 2018 (Scopus) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 1220
  • Publication Date: 2018
  • Doi Number: 10.17660/actahortic.2018.1220.5
  • Journal Name: Acta Horticulturae
  • Journal Indexes: Scopus
  • Page Numbers: pp.29-33
  • Keywords: Castanea sativa, Chestnut, Morphometric characteristics, Pomology
  • Bursa Uludag University Affiliated: Yes


The objective of this study was to determine the best chestnut genotypes from the natural chestnut plantations located in some districts of Düzce in 2015. In this study, 57 chestnut genotypes were evaluated in relation to pomological characteristics such as the number of nuts kg-1 (n kg-1), nut weight (g), and kernel ratio (%). Moreover, the nut sizes were classified as very small (≥121 nuts kg-1), small (101-120 nuts kg-1), medium (81-100 nuts kg-1), big (61-80 nuts kg-1), and very big (≤60 nuts kg-1). Additionally, nut dimensions were determined by measuring the width (mm), length (mm), height (mm) of nuts and shape indexes. Nut weights were between 5.06 g (81DB08) and 10.04 g (81DB11). In terms of number of nuts kg-1 (n kg-1), 81DB 08 genotype had the smallest nuts (197.63 n kg-1), whereas 81DB11 genotype had the biggest nuts (99.60 n kg-1). With respect to nut width, length and height were found the ranges 14.26 mm (81DA12) - 21.34 mm (81DB15), 23.07 mm (81DA26) - 32.18 mm (81DB11) and 19.64 mm (81DA22) - 27.10 mm (81DK06); kernel ratios of the 57 chestnut genotypes varied from 74.52% (81DA21) to 87.19% (81DA09). Since nut weight and size are two important criteria in chestnut selection, the prominent genotypes were determined 81DB11, 81DK06, 81DY01 and 81DY02, respectively.