Coupled Systems Mechanics, vol.11, no.4, pp.335-355, 2022 (ESCI)
It’s important to note that the number of studies on the lateral vibration of steel liquid storage tanks has been quite modest in the past. The aimofthisresearch hasto look at the variablesthat affect vibration ofstorage tanks and to highlight the characteristics of a construction that hasn’t received much attention in the literature. The storage tank has pre-sized in the study, and aluminum and steel have chosen as components. The specified material qualities and the factors utilized in the investigation has used to calculate vibration frequency values. The resulting calculations are backed up by tables and graphs, and it’s an important to look into the parameters that affect the vibration frequencies that will occur on the designed storage tank vary. In the literature, water tanks are usually modelled as lumped masses. The horizontal stiffness of the column on which it is placed is assumed to be constant throughout. This is an approximation method of solving this problem. The column is handled in this study with a more realistic approach that fits the continuum mechanics in the analysis. The reservoir part is incorporated directly into the problemasthe boundary condition.