Nsangou Pofoura A. M., Çakan V. A., Tipi T.

3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COFFEE & COCOA , Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 13 - 15 March 2023, pp.43-49

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Rio De Janeiro
  • Country: Brazil
  • Page Numbers: pp.43-49
  • Bursa Uludag University Affiliated: Yes


The aim of this study is to examine the comparative advantage of Cameroon, which constitutes an important part of world cocoa production for the period 2008-2018. To carry out this study, Balassa Index (RCA) and Vollrath's Relative Export Advantage (RXA and lnRXA) indexes, which are widely used in the literature, are used. The results show that the average RCA index value of Cameroon for the relevant period was 329.11, while the average values calculated for RXA and lnRXA were 444.91 and 5.98, respectively. If the result obtained in the RCA and RXA indexes is greater than 1, and the result obtained in the lnRXA index is greater than 0, it can be interpreted that the relevant country has a comparative advantage in the selected sector. Considering that the calculated values of the index are above the specified limits for each year considered, it can be said that Cameroon has a comparative advantage in the cocoa sector according to all the indicators examined. However, the fact that the results obtained are so much higher than the values accepted as the limit for comparative advantage, indicates the high loss of added value when it is taken into account that the product examined in the study is exported with very little processing. Cocoa production is an important agricultural activity, representing 7.75% of Cameroon's Agricultural GDP in the period 2008-2018. This sector is also a strategic product for Cameroon since it represents 17.61% of the country's exports during the reference period. For this reason, supporting cocoa processing industries before their export will ensure better added value to the country with cocoa, which is an important product in the country's economy.