in: The Wiley International Handbook of Educational Leadership, Waite Duncan, Bogotch Ira, Editor, John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex, UK , New York, pp.355-373, 2017
This chapter deals with the way the educational leaders cope with the challenges they face in the sociopolitical contexts of their country, and how they cope with national, as opposed to global, values. It begins with a brief description of the context in the Middle East, including an historical definition of the region and its sociocultural character. The educational systems of Middle Eastern countries, including the three countries discussed in this chapter, Egypt, Turkey, and Israel, clearly reflect the struggle between advocates of the globalization of education and those who view globalization as a threat to national identity and culture. Higher education in Turkey comprises all educational institutions which provide at least two years of higher education, such as universities, faculties, institutes, higher education schools, vocational higher education schools, conservatories, and practice and research centers.