5th International Conference on Trends in Agricultural Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, 3 - 06 September 2013, pp.627-631
Since the cost of production and use of energy from fossil energy sources increase every day, renewable energy sources that can compete with fossil energy sources come to the forefront of our country and world. Although Turkey has wide spectrum of energy resources, these resources are insufficient in terms of usage, and Turkey is currently an energy importing country. Approximately 75% of our country's energy consumption met by imports and the share of imports continues to increase each year. According to the literature, although approximately 50 to 65 Million Tonnes of Oil Equivalent (MTOE) agricultural waste and 11.05 MTOE animal wastes were produced and 60% of this value can be used for energy production, they are not assessed. It is known that, energy potential to be obtained from agricultural and animal waste can cover 22-27% of Turkey's annual energy consumption. In 2010, primary energy demand in Turkey was 109.266 MTOEwhile energy production value 32.228 MTOE. Energy demand in Turkey shows an increase of 8-10% annually, and it is estimated that in 2020 primary energy demand will reach 298,4MTOEwhile energy production will be 70.2 MTOE, and energy import will be 76 %.