Cerebri Terminology in Three Different Books from 17-19. Centuries. 1

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Tuncel Çini N., Güner N., Erer Kafa S., Kafa İ. M.

1. Uluslararası Akdeniz Anatomi Kongresi, Konya, Turkey, 6 - 09 September 2018, vol.12, pp.219

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • Volume: 12
  • City: Konya
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.219
  • Bursa Uludag University Affiliated: Yes


Objective: In this study, we reviewed the terminological changes of the structures forming the cortex cerebri taking into account the three anatomy books from different centuries. It is known that detailed drawings of the brain was not made until the depictions of Andreas Vesalius (1514–1564), and before that the brain resembled as the macaroni in a bowl. In later centuries, the “convolutus” word has emerged as a term related to the special appearance of the brain cortex. This term has changed over the time and replaced with the “gyrus” term and similar changes can be traced through historical books.

Methods: In the digital platform we accessed to the entire three books related to the subject: (1) Nevrographia Universalis, published by Raymond Vieussens in 1684, (2) Traité d’anatomie et de physiologie which published in 1869 and belong to the Felix Vicq d’Azyr, (3) Die Hirnwindungen des Menschen nach eigenen Untersuchungen by Alexander Ecker and translated (The Convolutions of the Brain) by John C. Galton et al published in 1786. Within these books only with the drawings and depictions of the cortex cerebri and related terminology have been reviewed.

Results: When the drawings of Vieussens were examined, it was observed that he divided the cortex into four quadrants without any naming for gyri or sulci andstudied the brain by separating it into white and gray matter parts. It is interesting that although he examined the cortex separately, he didn’t give any name. Vicq d’Azyr used the term “convolution” and described many of them for the first time. He described the gyrus precentralis and gyrus postcentralis without using Latin terminology. Ecker has been collected and combined the terminology from different scientists.

Conclusion: It is seen that there are some similarities with contemporary Terminologia Anatomica and Ecker’s publication.