TURKISH STUDIES - EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES, vol.15, no.4, pp.2785-2800, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Abstract: In order to be successful in today's business world, it is necessary to acquire changing skills and competencies. In line with these changing professional needs, the gaining of these skills is therefore increasingly important in training qualified individuals. In foreign language teaching, the methods and techniques applied in the courses, the course materials used, the primary language skills acquired, and the attitudes of teachers towards students directly affect language learning. The 4th-grade students (teacher candidates) in the German Teaching Department at Bursa Uludağ University and students in high schools Anatolian High School and Science High School voluntarily participated in this study, and it was compared to the experiences of them about the Teaching Practice Course. The study was carried out with a total of 40 teacher candidates and 80 students in 2017-2018 with the 20 teacher candidates and 40 students of both Anatolian High School and Science High School, separately. For this purpose, a questionnaire about the Teaching Practice Course was prepared and applied to the groups. The data were analyzed by SPSS 25 program and shown with percentage (%) and frequency calculations in tables. To evaluate the quantitative data of the questionnaire, the mean values were calculated and t-tests were applied. The results showed that Science High School students' level of the German language, interest in German lessons, and success in German lessons were statistically more significant than those of Anatolian High School students. At the same time, the use of Willkommen Deutsch A1.1-2 textbook supported by usb and smartboard, and the application of Communicative Method, Speaking Skill, and Listening-Comprehension Skill in lessons also made a statistically significant difference in Science High School.