Dövüş Sporcularının Algılarına Göre Antrenör İletişim Becerisinin Sporcudaki Benlik Saygısı ile İlişkisi


Research in Sport Education and Sciences, vol.25, no.4, 2023 (ESCI) identifier


The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between coaches' communication skills and athletes' self-esteem based on the perceptions of combat sports athletes. A total of 278 athletes actively involved in a combat sport participated in the study voluntarily. The data collection tools used in the research were the "Personal Information Form" prepared by the researchers to obtain participants' demographic information, the "Coach's Communication Skills Scale According to Athlete Perception," and the "Rosenberg Self -Esteem Scale." Descriptive statistics, t -tests, one-way analysis of variance, Tukey multiple comparison, and Pearson correlation tests were used in the data analysis. The findings of the study revealed significant differences in athletes' perceptions of coaches' communication skills concerning gender, nationality, and educational level variables, while no significant differences were observed concerning the age of the athlete and their experience in sports. Moreover, self-esteem was not found to be significantly different based on any demographic variable. It can be concluded that there is a low-level positive correlation between athletes' perception of coaches' communication skills and self-esteem.