Self-Management of the Elderly and the Old-Efficiency and Significance

Paskaleva T., Çıtak Tunç G., Tornyova B., Dragusheva S., Petleshkova P., Dermendzhıev S., ...More

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, vol.10, pp.2070-2075, 2022 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)



BACKGROUND: Self-management is an active approach to coping and assuming responsibility on the part of a person, independently or in collaboration with medical specialists, to manage his/her health status. In cases of chronic diseases, the stigma of an uncertain future is a norm; it dominates and often suppresses the everyday routine. In this context, the need of training in self-management appears to be a pressing one in socially significant diseases, and is aimed at helping patients, especially elderly and old ones, cope with the clinical symptoms, with the psycho-social consequences in the way of life and with the changes in risky behavior.

AIM: Researching the level of informity of people aged 65 or more, considering activities for self-observation and self-control and resources of health information.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: An anonymous survey of randomly selected 340 people aged 60 and over was conducted in the period from April 2020 to February 2021. Methods applied: Descriptive statistics with amount-measured quantities. To analyses the data there have been used: Dispersive analysis (one-way ANOVA), alternative analysis, non-parametric analysis-Pearson’s criterion of agreement (χ–ksi-square) at the testing of hypotheses for statistically significant correlation between factorial and resultative indices; and correlational analysis according to Spearman and graphic analysis. For standard of significance of the zero hypothesis, there has been perceived p < 0.05.

RESULTS: The obtained data serve as sufficient grounds to claim that the level of awareness of the use of simple diagnostic activities for self-management and self-control is inadequate in view of the predominant chronic conditions. The information requested by the respondents reflects significant educational needs connected mainly with their condition–77.9%, drug therapy–54.4%, behavioral risk factors and prophylactic measures and recommendations.

CONCLUSION: The respondents showed clearly expressed preferences, willingness, and desire to be informed by medical specialists–doctors and nurses. Their contribution in the sphere of health education so far has been insufficient, humble, and yet to develop its full potential.