Kardiyovasküler Akademi Kongresi & International Young Academy of Cardiology Congress, Girne, Kıbrıs (Kktc), 17 - 21 Eylül 2021, ss.39
Background: Magnesium (Mg) is the second most abundant intracellular electrolyte and plays a significant role in immune system and cardiac protection. Mg deficiency contributes to chronic low-grade inflammation leading to cardiovascular diseases and low Mg level exacerbates virus-induced inflammation Aim: To investigate whether serum magnesium level is associated with myocardial damage and prognosis of COVID-19.
Method: This was a single-center, observational retrospective study of patients with COVID-19. The study population was divided into two groups according to in-hospital mortality: a survivor group (SG) and a non-survivor group (NSG). Myocardial damage was defined as blood levels of cardiac Troponin I (cTnI) above the 99th-percentile upper reference limit. Magnesium, variables regarding inflammation and myocardial damage were compared between the groups.
Results: A total of 629 patients with COVID-19 were included. Mortality rate was 11.85% (n=82). There were 61 (74.4%) and 294 male patients (53.7%) in NSG and SG, respectively (p=0.001). The median age of NSG was 64.5 years (min-max: 37–93) and the median age of SG was 56.0 years (min-max: 22–92) (p<0.001). Median serum magnesium levels of NSG and SG were 1.94 mg/dl (min-max: 1.04-2.87) and 2.03 mg/dl (min-max: 1.18-2.88) respectively (p=0.027). Median cTnI levels of NSG and SG were 25.20 pg/ml (min-max: 2.10-2240.80) and 4.50 pg/ml (min-max: 0.50- 984.3) respectively (p<0.001). The cTnI levels were lower in those patients whose serum Mg levels were higher than 1.94.
Conclusion: Although serum magnesium level was not a predictor for in-hospital mortality, there was a significant negative correlation between magnesium levels and myocardial damage.
Keywords: magnesium, covid-19, mortality, troponin, myocardium