Knot performance of monofilament and braided polyamide sutures under different test conditions

Karaca E., Hockenberger A.

International Conference and Exhibition on Healthcare and Medical Textiles (MedTex 03), Bolton, United Kingdom, 8 - 09 July 2003, pp.378-385 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume:
  • City: Bolton
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Page Numbers: pp.378-385
  • Bursa Uludag University Affiliated: Yes


It is essential that quantitative information be available concerning the expected knot performance of a surgical suture during wound closure. In this study, the knot performance of monofilament and braided Polyamide sutures were tested by applying two different knots with two, three and four throws in dry and wet states. Instron Tensile Tester has been used to measure knot performance in this work. It was concluded that granny knot has better knot performance than square knot and once knot was secure, an additional throw did not increase the force to break as expected. It was also observed that in monofilament sutures and in wet state, more throws were needed to secure knot.