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Adamış E.

in: CURRENT DEBATES IN TOURISM AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES, Doğan Mustafa,Morady Farhang, Editor, IJOPEC PUBLICATION, Londrina, pp.13-32, 2017

  • Publication Type: Book Chapter / Chapter Vocational Book
  • Publication Date: 2017
  • City: Londrina
  • Page Numbers: pp.13-32
  • Editors: Doğan Mustafa,Morady Farhang, Editor
  • Bursa Uludag University Affiliated: Yes


Due to the rapid development of tourism, in recent years, countries and cities have been in a cut-throat competition in order to raise their income. Country leaders giving importance to this competition have focused on destination or regional marketing rather than marketing and branding the whole country. As one of the alternative ways of attracting more tourists, the idea of being a brand city in tourism has gained currency. This idea has stemmed from the possibility of marketing the cities/places like commercial products as in business world. Branding of a city means the transformation of the city into both intangible and tangible values in terms of cultural, political, and commercial aspects. In this sense, there have been lots of successful city examples that passed through this difficult process. The purpose of this study is to elaborate the concept of branding at city level in terms of tourism within the theoretical framework. In the first part of the study, city branding and related concepts were explained. The second part of the study contained the reasons of branding and successful brand city examples. In the last part, the studies conducted for branding of Bursa in tourism, as one of the target cities during the process of Turkey Tourism Strategy Action Plan (2007-2013), were researched and some recommendations were given.

Keywords: Branding, City Branding, Tourism. Bursa