Journal of Economics, Business Political Studies, vol.7, no.2, pp.193-213, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
The problems with the production and financing of Global Public Goods weaken the thesis
that nation-states have lost their sovereignty and that international governance structures
are the determinant of the system in the globalization process. The increase in global public
goods and its inability to be resolved with transnational systems further strengthens the
reason why nation-states exist. Failure to solve problems related to Global Public Goods by
international institutions increased the role and importance of the nation-state. The
increasing role of the state in solving the production and financing problems of global public
goods brings the concept of “sovereign responsibility”. Responsibility for sovereignty
expresses the necessity of political sovereignty to behave sensitively towards the citizens of
the countries inside and to the international community outside. In this framework, each
sovereign state is responsible for planning global public goods supply and demand in its
jurisdiction and producing it to meet the needs of all global elements. For global public goods,
which is beyond the dominance of the state, the states, international and supranational
structures that steer the world economy and politics should be engaged.