X.International Kiwifruit Symposium, Yalova, Turkey, 27 - 30 September 2021, vol.1332, pp.463-468
Kiwifruit cultivation in Turkey is increasing rapidly as well as all over the world. Twenty years ago the world kiwifruit production was 1.9 million tons 20 years ago while nowadays reached 4.5 million tons. It also expected that the world production will further increase when new more fertile cultivars will be introduced. However, although kiwifruit cultivation represents an interesting choice for growers, it requires trained personnel and the capability to solve problems that emerging diseases and climatic change are creating. Kiwifruit is a species demanding in soil and water availability and require appropriate choices in terms of cultural practices in preharvest to reach high quality fruits easy to be cold stored. The personnel must be trained and available all year long considering the winter and summer pruning, the pollination, the fruit thinning, the phytosanitary defense operations that require a constant presence up to the harvest. This study report the choices of a kiwifruit grower who established in a 20 years span of time 44 ha orchard and analyze the choices he took as far as orchard design, cultivar selection, cultural management and marketing.