Global Business Research Congress (GBRC), İstanbul, Turkey, 4 - 05 June 2015, vol.1, pp.23-32
Workers are applying momentum and power which different duration and time in their working area. There are differences between workers, cause ofsex, a ge, health s tatus, e xperience, disabling. Also s ettling of w orks effects the l imits of p ower a nd m omentum w hich applied. There are a lot of different accounting method which obtained reserch and experience to determine power and momentum applied by workers. In this study it was analaysed weight on workers who works in lift and movement job with vacuming systems. Rubber goods between 9 and 25 kg weight were moved from container to conveyor in this study. 150 pcs rubber good which is different weight and size has moved every day by a worker who employed on this job. Analaysis by REBA method and ergonomic risk evalaution has done depend on Assessment Methods of Occupational Safety and Occupational Medicine Institutions of Germany. By the studies has contributed to reducing the disease ofmusculoskeletal system in the health management.