Effects of microwave irradiation and chemical fixation on the localization of perisinusoidal cells in rat liver by gold impregnation

Noyan S., Kahveci Z., Cavusoglu I., Minbay F. Z., Sunay F., Sirmali S.

JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPY-OXFORD, vol.197, pp.101-106, 2000 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


Modified gold impregnation is one of the methods that are used in light microscopical demonstration of hepatic perisinusoidal cells. This method has some disadvantages, such as restriction of fixation time to 16 h, which allows limited time for processing the tissues, especially when dealing with a large amount of material, and a long impregnation time (16-24 h). We investigated the effect of prolonged fixation on the staining of sections, to shorten the time needed for gold impregnation by using microwave irradiation. Liver specimens were fixed in Baker's calcium-formalin for different periods of time. After fixation, frozen sections were impregnated in gold chloride solution either at room temperature or in a microwave oven. The staining quality of the sections which had been impregnated in the microwave oven for a much shorter time were equal to or even superior to the ones impregnated at room temperature. Prolonging the fixation time up to 7 days did not affect the staining results by microwave irradiation, whereas satisfactory results were not obtained from sections stained at room temperature and fixed for more than 3 days. We conclude that microwave irradiation can be used to shorten the impregnation time in gold chloride solution and the duration of fixation can be prolonged up to 3 days in the original method and up to 7 days when microwave irradiation is used during impregnation.