Design and implementation of a bluetooth based infant monitoring/saver (BIMS) system

Sonmez A. E., Nalcaci M. T., Pazarbasi M. A., Toker O., Fidanboylu K.

Conference on Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, California, United States Of America, 19 - 22 March 2007, vol.6532 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 6532
  • Doi Number: 10.1117/12.715803
  • City: California
  • Country: United States Of America
  • Bursa Uludag University Affiliated: No


In this work, we discuss the design and implementation of a Bluetooth technology based infant monitoring system, which will enable the mother to monitor her baby's health condition remotely in real-time. The system will measure the heart rate, and temperature of the infant, and stream this data to the mother's Bluetooth based mobile unit, e.g. cell phone, PDA, etc. Existing infant monitors either require so many cables, or transmit only voice and/or video information, which is not enough for monitoring the health condition of an infant. With the proposed system, the mother will be warned against any abnormalities, which may be an indication of a disease, which in turn may result a sudden infant death. High temperature is a common symptom for several diseases, and heart rate is an essential sign of life, low or high heart rates are also essentials symptoms. Because of these reasons, the proposed system continously measures these two critical values. A 12 bits digital temperature sensor is used to measure infant's body temperature, and a piezo film sensor is used measure infant's heartbeat rate. These sensors, some simple analog circuitry, and a ToothPick unit are the main components of our embedded system. ToothPick unit is basically a Microchip 18LF6720 microcontroller, plus an RF circuitry with Bluetooth stack.