From yesterday to today the inventory of instructional materials of French as a foreign language in Turkey D'hier à aujourd'hui l'état des lieux des matériels didactiques du Français Langue Étrangère en Turquie

Kartal E., Parlak E.

Synergies Turquie, no.7, pp.89-104, 2014 (Scopus) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • Journal Name: Synergies Turquie
  • Journal Indexes: Scopus
  • Page Numbers: pp.89-104
  • Keywords: Documentary analysis, French foreign language, Instructional material, Inventory of fixtures, Method of french
  • Bursa Uludag University Affiliated: Yes


In this work, we propose to highlight the inventory of fixtures of instructional materials of French as a foreign language primarily designed and published in Turkey since linguistic Revolution (1928) until today. To do this, we rely on a corpus which includes a broad sample stripped of the National Library and booksellers through websites. Our main purpose is to show what type(s) of material was/were the most prioritized in this period, during which portion of the year, if these materials are adequate to the didactic currents of this period as well as to the materials designed at the same moment all over the world, more exactly in France. Subsequently we will demonstrate plainly, if there are more Turkish or foreigners who have contributed the most in this field and what are the publishers who monopolize this market. As to the methodology is the analysis called documentary which will occur throughout our work