European Journal of Education Studies, vol.3, no.4, pp.20-48, 2017 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of a first grade student’s writing at home, school, and university program on her written expression skills. In the research, all the student’s writing was on subjects that she was interested in or ones she chose to write about from her lived experiences or familiar events. A case study method was used to analyze the pictures and literacy experiences. The study showed that the student's literacy skills had developed at an advanced level. Besides the process-based teaching program used at the school, the parents' habit of reading books to the student and encouraging her to make pictures of interesting events experienced during the preschool period also contributed to development of the written expression skills at an advanced level. The results of the research pointed out that literacy education should be perceived as a whole and that children should experience activities that support the development of literacy from early childhood.