Adaptation Guide to Educational System& Socila Life for International Students

Hacıoğlu M. S. (Yürütücü), Şahin H.(Yürütücü), Alyılmaz C.(Yürütücü), Taş H.

Erasmus Projesi, 2019 - 2022

  • Proje Türü: Erasmus Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Haziran 2019
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Eylül 2022

Proje Özeti

The Adaptation Guide to Educational System & Social Life for International Young Students (aka

S.O.S. , stands for Software of Students) is an application aiming to help international young

students. The project is designed to help international young students to solve their problems related

to living and studying in a foreign country.

Even though how hard they try to be informed by means of internet, agents etc. about the country in

which they're planning to study , they realize that they have been frequently misguided or ill-informed

when they arrive at that country. Most international young students suffer from lack of information

about the country or the university they have already chosen. For example, while a student decides

what and in which university to study, s/he usually fails to notice if their choice of university is

accredited or not. The university students are generally very young people. So, sadly, most of them

even don't know the difference between accredited and recognized university. The worse is that

students might discovery their university is only recognized, not accredited after they graduate. Or, if

they realize this fact before they graduate, they may choose to drop out of school. This leads them to

loss of motivation, waste of their time and money unfortunately. Of course, international students'

problems are not only about their academic life. To maintain an academic life, they should maintain

their daily life first. When they arrive at the airport, their adventures begin. It can be easily imagined

the diffculty of these young, inexperienced people have. Most newly arrived students do not know

which bus or train they should take to reach their destination.

So, our application will include a part letting them know the transportation routes, specifically

designed to show their preferential choices such as dormitories which are closer to their universities

or public buildings that they should go to take official acts, etc. Also, this application will help them

find and learn about the institution that give scholarship. The list of things that an international

students should do is a list as long as their arms, indeed. For example, to have an education in

Turkey, they should obtain a residence permit in a month after their arrival in Turkey. Many students

are not aware of such offical acts. If they neglect these acts, they might end up being immigrants,

rather than international students, which causes them to have problems with their own country. Thus,

SOS will inform the international students about the rules, laws that they should obey and acts that

they should take.

Then again, there are some other things that they should know and do. However, they do not know

how to do. For instance, most of these inexperienced students do not know how to enroll in a class,

open a bank account and obtain a temporary identity card in Turkey. These kind of procedures differ

from one country to another. Therefore, using SOS will enlighten the international young students on

these procedures.

At the end of our project, international young students will be informed about SOS. When they start

using SOS, they will take an easier life in the country that they go to. When the students who use

SOS start to solve educational and social problems in their lives, SOS will be dissemination. For all

that, students can prevent the waste of motivation, money, and time. Moreover, this project will be

trustworthy towards people because it will be made by Erasmus+ Projects.