Kaynak A. G.(Yürütücü), Benlioğlu O., Kuşaksız G.
TÜBİTAK Projesi, 2000 - 2004
This study is based on the chorological and ecological investigation of fern species
collected from South Anatolian regions, between 1996-2004 and observations made in
the field. In the area studied, distribution of 37 fern species belonging to 13 genera has
been established. Genera treated are Adiantum, Anogramma, Asplenium, Athyrium,
Cheilanthes,Cosentinia, Notholaena, Cystopteris, Dryopteris, Polypodium,
Polystichum, Pteridium, Pteris. Ecological properties of these species have been
established based on rock and soil samples collected in the area, as well as investigation
of the growth environment.