Türkçe tartışma programlarında kullanılan muhalefet ifadeleri

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Uludağ Üniversitesi, Turkey

Approval Date: 2006

Thesis Language: English




This study is concerned with the opposition in Turkish news interviews. Since most ofthe oppositions in them are done to state disagreement, this thesis focuses on the act ofdisagreement. First, it gives background information about news interview format,discusses the organization of disagreement and politeness in them. Then, it investigatesdisagreement types and searches the effect of context on the number and types ofdisagreements used. While analyzing them, it makes use of a corpus of natural datacontaining about seven hours recording and follows an approach combiningConversational Analysis (CA) and Discourse Analysis (DA). The results show thatdisagreement is expressed in different ways and each way presents different levels ofpoliteness. Moreover, the study displays that there are some other factors, except fordisagreement type, which affect politeness in news interviews. All these factors are alsoexamined in this thesis. The study also presents the framework of news interviews andenables readers to make a comparison between Western style and Turkish style. Thefindings indicate that since Turkish news interviews are competitive in nature, theyviolate the format most of the time, and this makes them more impolite.