Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Uludağ Üniversitesi, Turkey
Approval Date: 2017
Thesis Language: Turkish
Abstract:The aim of this research is to analyze the attitudes and behaviors of consumers about food safety in Bursa province. In this study, data obtained from different socioeconomic and demographic consumer groups were used. The research was done by sampling model. The research population consists of consumers living in Osmangazi, Yıldırım and Nilüfer districts of Bursa, and 350 consumers participated in the survey. The data of the research were collected by using the interview method and the questionnaire form. The questionnaire consists of 70 questions. The data from the questionnaires were analyzed by the Chi-Square method. According to research findings; rates of the female and male participants are as 54 % and 46 % respectively. Educational status of consumers participating in the survey is 18 % primary school, 14 % junior high school, 34 % high school and 34 % university graduate. 47% of the respondents have an average income level of 1500-2500 TL / month. When the answers to all the questions were evaluated, it was determined that the food consumers living in the urban area of Bursa give importance to food safety, know and apply many criteria (44/60 criterion) correctly. However, they think that food reliability is decreasing (72%) compared to past years. Apart from that, it is also detected that, the rates of consumers, buying raw milk out of cold chain and hygiene controls and using the same cutting board for the preparation of meat together with the fruits and vegetables, using the moldy portion of the mold are as 52 %, 51 % and 55 % respectively. Statistically important part of the respondents do not want the use of any additives in food products (73%), and they also believe that, chickens are grown in an entirely unhealthy and unnatural environment (78 %), only homemade yogurt is healthy (72%) and each natural product is organic (67%). These results indicate that, the consciousness level of consumers in Bursa on some food safety issues is inadequate or inaccurate; so that consumers need to be informed more effectively with the right channels of communication.