Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Turkey
Approval Date: 2005
Thesis Language: Turkish
Supervisor: Rasim Erol Demirbatır
Abstract:The most comprehensive definition of the culture can be expressed as “Everything the mankind has created”. The art of music, that takes its material from the sounds in the nature, is also one of the most fundemental elements of the culture. In every community, the music develops by the effect of the other branches of the art and the cultures of other communities. In Turk society, music has passed through a definite cultural stage and built a specific structure by the contribution of the civilizations that have builted instead of each other. From past to the present, in Turk society, music has always taken a place in daily life and also in the religious ceremonies. In the early years of the Republic, studies has been started to rise the Turkish music to a modern level and to take a wider place in the society. For this reason, after the competent youngs who has gone to foreign countries to take an education have returned, they have taken place as an educationist in the institutions that grows composer, soloist, music teacher and artist or they have taken tasks in the symphony orchestras. Today, the most of our artists who continue their art life in Turkey or other foreign countries, have educated in these institutes. It is known that, the number of pianists in our artists who made a carrieer in Turkey and also abroad is wide a lot. In piano education, Ankara State Conservatoire and ?stanbul Municipality Conservatoire are the two important centers in Republic period. Some of our pianists, besides their concert carriers, have duties as educationist of piano or they continue their studies as composers. In this research, 10 pianists who are more strong in their fundemental attributes took place in the sample group. The opinions of our pianists who create the sample group, about the piano education in Turkey, the activities of classical music and their suggestions to the piano educationists and students are obtained by interviews and inquiry. It is thought that these opinions and suggestions will be a light to the studies of piano educationists and students and will contributa to the studies that will be done for the development and spread of the classical music in our country.