Performance analysıs of electronıc components coolıng wıth lıquıd flow ın mını channel block applıcatıon

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Bursa Uludağ University, FEN BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ, Mechanical Engineering, Turkey

Approval Date: 2020

Thesis Language: Turkish


Supervisor: Muhsin Kılıç


Excessive heat dissipation which adversely affects the working performance of electronic equipment, is an important technological problem due to developing liquidcooled mini-channel cooling blocks are gradually increasing. While it is expected that the cooling blocks is desired to have high heat transfer performance with a minimum pressure drop in terms of operating costs. This requires optimization of the geometric structure in the design of the cooling block according to the desired performance criteria. In this study, the design of a mini-channel water cooled block with a base surface area of 20 mm x 20 mm to be used for cooling a chip producing 100 W/cm2 heat flux, has been optimized under laminar and turbulent flow conditions with three different materials for high heat transfer and low pressure losses. The performance of the mini-channel cooling block, which is designed with different materials and different channel dimensions by utilizing the Taguchi orthogonal matrix, was investigated by using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). As a criterion, the pressure loss and the maximum temperature at the base were taken into consideration. Since both criteria were taken into consideration, Multi Response Taguchi Analysis was used in the optimization. Temperature and pressure loss values were evaluated and optimized by the use of different weight values. In addition, a new assessment form was developed in addition to this method. This thesis is prepared from the studies within the scope of project number 5160107 supported by Tubitak.