Evaluation of possibility of the application of the piano works which are originated from Turkish folk music to piano education in our country

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Turkey

Approval Date: 2005

Thesis Language: Turkish


Supervisor: Rasim Erol Demirbatır


In this study, opinions of the piano education personnel and students in the 4th class are included in order to determine place and importance of the piano works which originated from (Turkish Folk Music) TFM, in those establishment which educate music teachers. Also opinions of compositors and the specialist educators in this field were obtained with regard to this issue. Approaches of the Turkish compositors in terms of utilising TFM elements in piano works are included in this study. Data related to this study was obtained by research on sources, technic of questionnaire and interview. Books, scientific papers and thesis which are related to the issue were investigated in order to obtain data. In the scope of this research internet was used as well. Questionnaires were applied to the university teachers of piano education and to the students of 4th class of the Music Department of 10 Educational Faculties which were chosen as sampling group from different regions. These questionnaires are prepared to determine place and importance of the those works of Turkish composers which are originated from TFM, application level of such kind of works in the piano education and influence of this fact on the piano education of the students. In the interviews, opinions of the educators and composers were considered. As a result of study it was determined that number of piano works originated from TFM are insufficient, that present sources contain technical difficulties, that they aren’t readly available and that in applications such kind of sources aren’t included. Proposals were developed in accordance with the findings obtained from study.