Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Uludağ Üniversitesi, Turkey
Approval Date: 2014
Thesis Language: Turkish
Abstract:First of all, this study examines the monastic life of Carmelites nuns. Mostly it focuses on daily religious practices, praying and spirituality. It also tries to mention about all the aspects of this type of life which is based on contemplative techniques. It is preferred to use Rule and Constitutions of the Carmelites Order as a main source. The monastic life was evaluated according to articles which are in the Constitutions and also was observed consulting to nuns. During the study a descriptive method was used. Its aim is to reflect the monastic life as it is. The researcher lived in a monastery for a period and had a opportunity to observe the postulant closely. As she took her study in the monastery, the privacy of nuns was also respected.Through this time it was behaved according to daily programme concerned of silence and sometimes participated in prayings. Therefore, the research is supported with observations and personal experience. The research also provides with some information about the role of the tradition which was renewed by Saint Teresa.