The sunnah as proof of ruhing in the Imamiyyah jurispruden

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Uludağ Üniversitesi, Turkey

Approval Date: 2016

Thesis Language: Turkish




Prophet tradition Sunnah its a distinctive concept, it consisit of his words, actions and silence (takrir). Apart from the above prophet action's that were mentioned Imamıyyah of Shiite's too have the same attribute's like that's of the prophet (its acceptable). In the introduction it consist of three chap ter's. In the introduction part it consist of Imamıyyah jurisprudence and it's idiom's (style's) and Islamic scholars strivenesses. In the first chapter it speak's about Imamıyyah understanding (consept). In the second chapter it talkis about Imamıyyah sect on it hadith concept and historical of hadith. At the end of my work's which is the principle of thi's work and it speak out the prophet tredition (sunnah) and it present according to the Imamıyyah sect's. At the end of thi's work we tried not to neglect the Ahl-i Sunnah (Islamic scholars) opinions.