Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Uludağ Üniversitesi, Turkey
Approval Date: 2016
Thesis Language: Turkish
Abstract:This study which deals with İmam Shafiî''s al-Risala and al-Umm consists of an introduction and two chapters. Imam Shafii's life was introduced briefly in the introduction. As to the first section was given an information about the meaning of the term " istihsan",after thatistihsan types was described. Finally the evidence value of "istihsan" , outlook of mujtahid imams to "istihsan" and opinion of those who accept the "istihsan" as evidence material and refuse the "istihsan" was arranged. In the second part, understanding of Imam Shafi'i's istihsan, firstly in the al-Risala' later in the al-Umm was examined under a separate heading. In this section Imam Şafiî''son the alleged use istihsan principle was explained with examples. The Istihsan whether was used in real terms or not has been demonsrated. Key words: Al-Umm, Usul Fiqh, istihsan, Imam Shafi'i, al-Risala.