Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Uludağ Üniversitesi, Turkey
Approval Date: 2016
Thesis Language: Turkish
Abstract:Islamic law is still valid. Talfeek is also one of the important issues of Islamic law. "Talfeek" which means putting together different views and provisions became a matter discussed among the method scholars after seventh century. The talfeek that is based on legal precedent in Islamic law has generally been evaluated in imitation part in Islamic law style works. The talfeek has also bean subject of special leaflets. Altough at the beginning stages of Islam the talfeek concept wasn't known, in fact people sometimes appeded to that concept, consciously or unconsciously at the beginning stages of Islam. Since 4th century, as the legal precedent almost compeletely left its place to the imitation or sometimes to the talfeek and this situation still continous today.