Evaluation of aflatoxin m1 contamination in raw and pasteurized milk samples offered to consumption in Bursa

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Bursa Uludağ University, SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ, Turkey

Approval Date: 2019

Thesis Language: Turkish

Student: Fatma Büşra Diler



Milk is an important source of protein for human health. Aflatoxin M1, also known as Milk toxin, is the main cause of acute and chronic toxicoses, which are mainly caused by the consumption of contaminated milk and dairy products or the metabolism of AFB1 in the liver. The current study aimed to determine AFM1 incidence and contamination levels in the raw and pasteurized milk samples offered to consumption in Bursa. Total of 120 samples were examined by HPLC method including 10 raw and 10 pasteurized milk each mont From June to November 2017. According to analyses results; different amounts of AFM1 were detected in 51 of 60 raw milk samples (85%) and 37 of 60 pasteurized milk sample (61,7%). The highest average AFM1 levels were found in raw milk with 0.05 g/kg and in November, in pasteurized milk with 0.026 g/kg in June. A statistically significant difference was not found between the AFM1 values for each of the samples of raw and pasteurized milk according to the months. In addition, 15 of the 60 raw milk samples (25%) and 7 of the 60 pasteurized milk samples (11.7%) were obtained at levels exceeding the TFC (Turkish Food Codex) legal limit AFM1 contamination. As a result of raw and pasteurized milk samples sold in Bursa could pose a significant risk to community health in terms of AFM1 content. Therefore; reduction of fungal contamination especially under appropriate storage conditions in feed substances, hovewer were concluded in milk and dairy products AFM1 with the control of the existence of AFB1 in feeds with effective and sustainable audits.